O Programa de Doutorado em Matemática em Associação Ampla UFPA/UFAM convida a comunidade acadêmica a participar da palestra
intitulada "Some elliptic problems in hyperbolic spaces: critical and supercritical", que será ministrada no próximo dia 03/12/2018 (segunda-feira), às 14:00h, na Sala de Aula do Mestrado, com o Prof. Dr. Olimpio Hiroshi Miyagaki, da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF-MG).
Abstract: "In this talk we will discuss some elliptic problems in hyperbolic spaces, mainly, we focus on the problem involving critical and supercritical growth conditions.
These classes of the problems, in the euclidian situation, were treated by several researchers, within of the class of the problem so called Henon problems.
The approach is variational techniques, but in these problems, we need to take care some lack of the compactness of the Sobolev embedding."